Monday, June 26, 2006


The Law
of Upper
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Law Societies exist, not to protect consumers from lawyers, but to protect
lawyers from consumers.
CanLaw knows that most lawyers are basically honest, hard working, solid citizens.
But there are a significant number who let their position go to their egos.
They become rude, arrogant and occassionally corrupt.
There are just too many who think that because an action is legal, it is also moral when many times
it is not.
CanLaw is NOT AFFILIATED or connected in any way with the Law Society of Upper
Canada or any other law society.
Under no circumstances would we want to be connected with LSUC as they are cowards and
bullies. We compete with them and they routinely attack us because among other things, we
provide a much better referral service than they do. . .and CanLaw is FREE.
We recommend that all consumers avoid the law societies where ever possible. You will not get fair
treatment from them on your complaints. They exist not to protect consumers from lawyers, but to
protect lawyers from consumers. They bully competitors and abuse their power to suit their own
greed and whims. If lawyers are hated, the Law Society of Upper Canada is a very good reason why
that hatred is so widespread.
The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) forces their lawyers to send them the interest earned on
client funds held in the lawyers' trust accounts. That interest money belongs to you, the client, not to
the lawyer or the Law Society. According to the LSUC's own accounting, this theft of nickels and
dimes from clients like you, amounts to an average total of some $3 million dollars
($3,000,000.00) a year. Demand that your lawyer pay your earned interest money to you!!
Dealing With The Law Society of Upper Canada LSUC
LSUC has mounted another attack on CanLaw. We must be doing something right. They charge
BEWARE of Dealing with the Law Society of Upper Canada on CanLaw Page 1 of 5 6/26/2006
consumers for referrals by forcing them to use a 900 phone number, just like all those sex phone
line scams, which charges a fee (currently $6.00 plus tax) to their phone bill. CanLaw is a free
lawyer referral service.
Amazing Propaganda from the Law Society of Upper Canada
PDF documents glorifying the LSUC handling of complaints. Do not believe a word.
RUDENESS IN LAWYERS IS RAMPANT . . . a little power corrupts a little?
The Law Society of Upper Canada has found itself forced to toughen up their own Rules of
Professional Conduct regarding common courtesy in lawyers. They have so many complaints about
rude lawyers that they have actually made it an "offence." Yet they criticize CanLaw saying we are
rude. What hypocrites and cowards they are. They have also had to consider new rules preventing
lawyers from having sex with their clients. These are elementary ethics 101 issues and any moral
human being would not require laws to make them behave civilly. Ironic that lawyers (who become
judges) have to be threatened with the law to make them behave like human beings isn't it?
Senator Anne Cools has been trying for years to pass a bill jailing lawyers who lie without success.
There are too many lawyers in Ottawa protecting their own union.
The voluminous Civil Law Review report notes in reference to the material and affidavits submitted
by lawyers in family law:
"Some contents of affidavits attached to the motion material were reported by members of the
public to be damaging forever.
We were told on more then one occasion that perjury in these affidavits is rampant." (dated March
It is clear from this and copious other material that lawyers lie to the courts with impunity in Canada
and the Law Societies' complaint process is largely a waste of time. Despite the notorious Lang
Michener matter, little appears to have changed.
CanLaw has a transcript on file where, astonishingly, the presiding judge actually found it
appropriate to thank the Crown Attorney for telling the truth.
Ask these questions of both the Law Society and the lawyer.
CANADA. A phone call to the Law Society at (416) 947-3300 is all it takes.
 Ask when s/he was admitted to the Bar. (This will tell you how long they have been in
 Ask if s/he specializes in the area of law you in which you require assistance. What specialist
training or certification does s/he have?
BEWARE of Dealing with the Law Society of Upper Canada on CanLaw Page 2 of 5 6/26/2006
 Ask how many similar cases s/he has handled? How many were won.
 Ask if s/he has ever been disbarred, suspended, or disciplined by any Law Society anywhere.
 Ask if she has been the subject of fee reviews.
 Ask if any complaints have been made against her (regardless of the outcome) to the Law
 Check with CanLaw to see if we have any complaints on file.
Here is our list of Lawyers in Ontario
ATTENTION LAWYERS: Click here to list your practice.
How Much Is A Judge Worth? We really don't know, but here's a list of some Judge's salaries.
Snoop to your heart's content.
A new and rather good Guide to the Ontario Courts Superior Court of Justice, Court of Appeal,
General Division and Provincial Division
Most Law Societies will NOT tell you if they have complaints against a lawyer unless s/he has
been "convicted" in an internal discipline hearing. However, of all the complaints received far
less then ten percent will ever get as far as a discipline hearing in Ontario The rest will be
dismissed or closed at the preliminary stages. About half of all complaints received are rejected
out of hand. Granted that a significant number of complaints are infact, groundless. However
5.000 complainants a year cannot all be wrong. This is morally repugnant and reminiscent of
Watergate coverups.
The Law Society of Upper Canada has about 16,000 active member lawyers. Weigh that against
an average of about 5,500 complaints per year.
In 2003, LSUC received 7,470 new complaints a 19% increase over 2002. A breakdown is
buried in their Report located here. Clearly nothing has changed. The LSUC continues to protect
lawyers at the expense of you the client. LSUC currently has $729,999 in the so called
unclaimed trust fund. This is money that belongs to the clients of lawyers or to their estates and it
should be very easy to locate the rightful owners. This situation is reminiscent of the Swiss
Bankers who are hiding Jewish Holocaust assets,
CanLaw has repeatedly tried to get more current statistics regarding the number of lawyers
disciplined in the last few years, but the Law Society ignores all requests. What are these
cowards hiding?
Source: Law Society of Upper Canada 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Complaints received 5,803 5,788 5,513 4,852 4,510
Complaints to Discipline 200 326 382 447 419
Complaints disgarded 5,603 5,452 5,191 4,405 4,099
BEWARE of Dealing with the Law Society of Upper Canada on CanLaw Page 3 of 5 6/26/2006
Rate Your Lawyer
The Law Society of Upper Canada has announced a new mediation program to help deal with
complaints. It is probably just another whitewash and we warn you not to rely on or trust the Law
Society of Upper Canada. They protect lawyers first and once in a long while they feel forced to
protect a consumer. One has to wonder how they will use mediation to handle incompetence,
corruption and right the damages done.
Generally, complaints to any Law Society are futile. Your complaint will be treated with a lack of
respect and your word will not be accepted over that of any lawyer. Nevertheless, complaints should
be filed on the slight chance that they will have an impact.
Download the (Ontario) Law Society of Upper Canada
( file is in Wordperfect format. If you are unable to convert that format, contact the LSUC and ask
them to send you a copy.) and use and read them to help organize your complaint. It is better if you
can say that the lawyer violated rule # xxx by doing what she did or did not do. This organizes your
material and shows you have done your homework. HINT: Keep your complaint calm and rational.
Avoid name calling, abuse and threats. Try to stick to the facts and avoid all emotion.
 File a complaint about a lawyer with CanLaw click here:
Requests for information under the Freedom of Information Statutes must be answered within
30 days. Although the law societies are not bound by these statutes, most will comply and fill
your requests.
The current PR contact for the Law Society is:
Steven Heipel
Mail to: Freedom of Information
Law Society of Upper Canada
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West
Toronto Ont M5H 2N6
Tel: (416) 947-3300 Fax: (604) 947-3924
Harvey T. Strosberg, Q.C.
The Law Society of Upper
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street
Toronto, ON
M5H 2N6
Chief Executive Officer
John T. Saso
The Law Society of Upper
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street
Toronto, ON
M5H 2N6
Richard F. Tinsley
The Law Society of Upper
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street
Toronto, ON
M5H 2N6
BEWARE of Dealing with the Law Society of Upper Canada on CanLaw Page 4 of 5 6/26/2006
Last Updated: 06/22/2006 21:55:21
Website created by Kirwood Inc. Copy writing, Advertising, Web promotion
Tel: (416) 947-3498
Fax: (416) 947-7609
Tel:(416) 947-3308
Fax: (416) 947-3600
Tel: (416) 947-3344
Fax: (416) 947-9062
Tips on Hiring a Lawyer Legal Aid and YOU
Contacts, Tips, Effective Complaining
Web and E-mail Links to Law Societies
Copy your local newspaper Copy your MP
LEGAL QUESTIONS? Please ask our lawyers.
Do you have a complaint about your lawyer's bill?
Please consult our page on dealing with lawyer's bills.
There is a separate court procedure, known as an assessment, (formerly taxing) to
deal with these complaints. Assessment of lawyer's bills is done through the
Court, not your local Law Society. Please look in the government section of the
telephone book under Courts for the telephone number of the office near you.
TRUST CANLAW: We are not lawyers. CanLaw helps people just like you find you, the consumer, not some law society. CanLaw is not affiliated in any way with CanLaw is Canada's biggest and best independent national FREE Lawyer Referral CanLaw helps all those requiring lawyers or related legal services anywhere in Canada, Lawyers. Law clerks, legal Secretaries All Legal Workers:?
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BEWARE of Dealing with the Law Society of Upper Canada on CanLaw Page 5 of 5 6/26/2006

Burgio and Associates

Burgio and Associates is a full service firm specializing in U.S. and Canadian Immigration matters. The firm will assist you in securing an employment authorization, permanent residence, student and visitor visas to Canada and the United States. In addition, the firm has years of expertise in all U.S. and Canadian Citizenship matters. Other helpful services include but are not limited to investment visas, admission to college or university programs, and settlement planning including job placement services, professional legal and accounting services, real estate and tax planning. The firm has an agent office in India, Oman and Lebanon. Overseas applicants are encouraged to visit our office to complete an immigration questionnaire and receive free assessment.

After all, Sam specializes in immigration issues, including assisting his clients in obtaining Green Cards, working visas, criminal pardons, citizenship certificates and family sponsorships.

Sam adheres to in his day-to-day practice.Sam is a native of Hamilton, Ontario. He moved to Windsor to attend law school and was awarded a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Detroit School of Law. He now lives in Windsor with his wife Maria and four-year-old daughter Lea.Sam began working as an immigration counselor in established law firms in 1991. Sam opened his own private counseling practice in January 1997. He is assisted by an efficient, compassionate paralegal staff.

In many cases, he says, people are unaware they are breaking the law or misleading an immigration officer by being slightly untruthful. In other cases, some of Sam's clients have been denied entry into the U.S. for something as simple as a shoplifting charge from 30 years ago. Entry into the U.S. is a privilege, not a right, says Sam.

Sam then assisted her in securing a Green Card to allow her to enter the U.S. and live there.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kim Ly
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: What can be done.

Hi Nancy!
Attached is an email that I had sent to CSIC/OPIC last year (I believe) concerning the launching of an investigation on 2 of its members (CSIC). They became members irrespective of the fact that both had ethical violation issues and even a record! This was one of the issues I had with CSIC in terms of them accepting whomever was willing to pay their dues. Of course, nothing was done and I never heard from anyone.

I believe both individuals are no longer members with CSIC, however, they continue to operate to date without regulation. Is there anything we can do?

One of them can be found at Check it out when you have a chance and do let me know if there's anything that can be done as he is continuing to rip people off every day!...and notice the name of the business "Burgio & Associates". That's indicative of a law firm, which he is not.


Yours truly,
KIM K.C. LY, CSIPSr. Immigration Consultant
Accredited member of the
Canadian Society of Immigration Practitioners

SISKINDS - The Law Firm
Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler LLP
680 Waterloo St.
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3V8

Direct: 519-660-7763
Facsimile: 519-660-7764
General: 519-672-2121
All U.S. immigrants and U.S. nonimmigrants (except A & G nonimmigrants) are legally obligated to notify USCIS of any changes of address within 10 days. Persons from certain countries are also required to notify USCIS when there are changes in school or employment and also to register with USCIS periodically, and upon admission and departure. Please see the USCIS website under change of address and special registration.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.

Thanks Monica. I wanted to mention to you that 1 of the 2 individuals I am referring to was once a member of OPIC. I believe he was suspended due to unethical practices which violated our organization's policy. I don't know if you have many of these. If not, then you should know who I am referring to. If so, then I shall disclose the name once I am properly counselled as to my liability here. Thanks!!

Yours truly,
Sr. Immigration Consultant
Accredited member of the
Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC)
- and -
Organization for Professional Immigration Consultants (OPIC)

SISKINDS - The Law Firm
Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler LLP
680 Waterloo St.
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3V8

Direct: 519-672-2251 ext. 277
Asst.: Angela Dupont (ext. 284):

Fax: 519-672-6065
Toll Free: 1-877-735-4044
-----Original Message-----From: OPIC ADMIN [] Sent: January 12, 2005 2:17 PMTo: Kim LySubject: RE: Character Checks
Ron, below is for your information only.

Monica Poon
P O Box 63563, Woodside Square Stn
1571 Sandhurst Circle
Toronto, Ontario M1V 1V0
Tel: 416-483-7044
Fax: 416-483-0884
-----Original Message-----From: Kim Ly [] Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:00 PMTo: discipline@csic-scci.caCc: admin@opic.orgSubject: Character ChecksImportance: High

Dear Sir/Madam:

I write simply to enquire of the procedure for one to request an investigation of 2 CSIC members, whose character is questionable and whose membership would greatly impact upon the integrity of our organization - albeit of other credible members.

I note that both these individuals are using their legal names in order to possibly avoid having to disclose their previous criminal activities and are practicing immigration unethically. Both individuals have been reported to the Law Society in the past for holding themselves as lawyers - however, the Law Society could do nothing as they were not governed by any regulatory body at that time. Clients who had terminated their relationship with each of these individuals did not want to deal with having to file police reports - irrespective of the fact that they had suffered signifcant loss of time and money - as they feared of having to incur additional delays.

In addition, one of the 2 individuals was kicked out of Law School for having cheated on his Bar Exam. Both individuals were terminated from their last employment for embezzlement. This is clearly a violation of our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct!!!

Please advise as to what I can do in order to have these 2 members screened more thoroughly.

FYI...I have copied my professional organization (OPIC) on this email so they may be kept apprised of this.

Thanking you in advance for your attention, I await your response.

Yours truly,
Sr. Immigration Consultant
Accredited member of the
Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC)
- and -
Organization for Professional Immigration Consultants (OPIC)

SISKINDS - The Law Firm
Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler LLP
680 Waterloo St.
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3V8

Direct: 519-672-2251 ext. 277
Asst.: Angela Dupont (ext. 284):

Fax: 519-672-6065
Toll Free: 1-877-735-4044

**********************************************************************This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential andintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom theyare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notifythe system manager.This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept byMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer**********************************************************************

Burgio and Associates

Burgio and Associates is a full service firm specializing in U.S. and Canadian Immigration matters. The firm will assist you in securing an employment authorization, permanent residence, student and visitor visas to Canada and the United States. In addition, the firm has years of expertise in all U.S. and Canadian Citizenship matters. Other helpful services include but are not limited to investment visas, admission to college or university programs, and settlement planning including job placement services, professional legal and accounting services, real estate and tax planning. The firm has an agent office in India, Oman and Lebanon. Overseas applicants are encouraged to visit our office to complete an immigration questionnaire and receive free assessment.

After all, Sam specializes in immigration issues, including assisting his clients in obtaining Green Cards, working visas, criminal pardons, citizenship certificates and family sponsorships.

Sam adheres to in his day-to-day practice.Sam is a native of Hamilton, Ontario. He moved to Windsor to attend law school and was awarded a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Detroit School of Law. He now lives in Windsor with his wife Maria and four-year-old daughter Lea.Sam began working as an immigration counselor in established law firms in 1991. Sam opened his own private counseling practice in January 1997. He is assisted by an efficient, compassionate paralegal staff.

In many cases, he says, people are unaware they are breaking the law or misleading an immigration officer by being slightly untruthful. In other cases, some of Sam's clients have been denied entry into the U.S. for something as simple as a shoplifting charge from 30 years ago. Entry into the U.S. is a privilege, not a right, says Sam.

Sam then assisted her in securing a Green Card to allow her to enter the U.S. and live there.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kim Ly
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: What can be done.

Hi Nancy!
Attached is an email that I had sent to CSIC/OPIC last year (I believe) concerning the launching of an investigation on 2 of its members (CSIC). They became members irrespective of the fact that both had ethical violation issues and even a record! This was one of the issues I had with CSIC in terms of them accepting whomever was willing to pay their dues. Of course, nothing was done and I never heard from anyone.

I believe both individuals are no longer members with CSIC, however, they continue to operate to date without regulation. Is there anything we can do?

One of them can be found at Check it out when you have a chance and do let me know if there's anything that can be done as he is continuing to rip people off every day!...and notice the name of the business "Burgio & Associates". That's indicative of a law firm, which he is not.


Yours truly,
KIM K.C. LY, CSIPSr. Immigration Consultant
Accredited member of the
Canadian Society of Immigration Practitioners

SISKINDS - The Law Firm
Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler LLP
680 Waterloo St.
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3V8

Direct: 519-660-7763
Facsimile: 519-660-7764
General: 519-672-2121
All U.S. immigrants and U.S. nonimmigrants (except A & G nonimmigrants) are legally obligated to notify USCIS of any changes of address within 10 days. Persons from certain countries are also required to notify USCIS when there are changes in school or employment and also to register with USCIS periodically, and upon admission and departure. Please see the USCIS website under change of address and special registration.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.

Thanks Monica. I wanted to mention to you that 1 of the 2 individuals I am referring to was once a member of OPIC. I believe he was suspended due to unethical practices which violated our organization's policy. I don't know if you have many of these. If not, then you should know who I am referring to. If so, then I shall disclose the name once I am properly counselled as to my liability here. Thanks!!

Yours truly,
Sr. Immigration Consultant
Accredited member of the
Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC)
- and -
Organization for Professional Immigration Consultants (OPIC)

SISKINDS - The Law Firm
Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler LLP
680 Waterloo St.
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3V8

Direct: 519-672-2251 ext. 277
Asst.: Angela Dupont (ext. 284):

Fax: 519-672-6065
Toll Free: 1-877-735-4044
-----Original Message-----From: OPIC ADMIN [] Sent: January 12, 2005 2:17 PMTo: Kim LySubject: RE: Character Checks
Ron, below is for your information only.

Monica Poon
P O Box 63563, Woodside Square Stn
1571 Sandhurst Circle
Toronto, Ontario M1V 1V0
Tel: 416-483-7044
Fax: 416-483-0884
-----Original Message-----From: Kim Ly [] Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:00 PMTo: discipline@csic-scci.caCc: admin@opic.orgSubject: Character ChecksImportance: High

Dear Sir/Madam:

I write simply to enquire of the procedure for one to request an investigation of 2 CSIC members, whose character is questionable and whose membership would greatly impact upon the integrity of our organization - albeit of other credible members.

I note that both these individuals are using their legal names in order to possibly avoid having to disclose their previous criminal activities and are practicing immigration unethically. Both individuals have been reported to the Law Society in the past for holding themselves as lawyers - however, the Law Society could do nothing as they were not governed by any regulatory body at that time. Clients who had terminated their relationship with each of these individuals did not want to deal with having to file police reports - irrespective of the fact that they had suffered signifcant loss of time and money - as they feared of having to incur additional delays.

In addition, one of the 2 individuals was kicked out of Law School for having cheated on his Bar Exam. Both individuals were terminated from their last employment for embezzlement. This is clearly a violation of our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct!!!

Please advise as to what I can do in order to have these 2 members screened more thoroughly.

FYI...I have copied my professional organization (OPIC) on this email so they may be kept apprised of this.

Thanking you in advance for your attention, I await your response.

Yours truly,
Sr. Immigration Consultant
Accredited member of the
Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC)
- and -
Organization for Professional Immigration Consultants (OPIC)

SISKINDS - The Law Firm
Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler LLP
680 Waterloo St.
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3V8

Direct: 519-672-2251 ext. 277
Asst.: Angela Dupont (ext. 284):

Fax: 519-672-6065
Toll Free: 1-877-735-4044

**********************************************************************This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential andintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom theyare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notifythe system manager.This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept byMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer**********************************************************************