Tuesday, March 28, 2006

CSIP letter to Immigration minister

The Society of Immigration Practitioners (CSIP)
2000-1066 West Hastings Street,
Vancouver, BC V6E 3X2
Fax: 604-582-4898
Email: info@csip.ca
March 28, 2006
Private and confidential
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Hon. Monte Solberg, P.C., M.P.
Via Fax: 1 603 957 2688
Dear, The honourable Mr. Monte Solberg, Right Hon., P.C.
Re: request for arranging an appointment with your office in the next 10 days
On behalf of CSIP and its 5000 members, I congratulate you on assuming charge
of the Office of Citizenship and Immigration of Canada.
. This is the Canadian Society of Immigration Practitioners CSIP, which the largest
regulatory body in Canada and based in Vancouver. were we are practicing/ providing
immigration service under NGO at this current time looks forward to working with you
and the immigration office in bringing about visible and viable changes to the
immigration industry which is presently mired in disrepute and disarray and assist the
Your honourable, I understand that the challenges you face in restructuring the CIC office
and its policy is a challenging one. We believe that your honourable are in the right field
and able to do the right changes after these many years of Liberal neglect and decay are
profuse and manifold.
CSIP however will be proud to work with you in contributing to a better, efficient and
more transparent and responsive departments in particulars Citizenship and Immigration
Department. Immigration and its valuable contribution to the labour force, economic
growth and cultural vitality of Canada are well researched and documented. The question
of immigration being good for Canada is no longer the issue.
The main issue in the Global arena today is how to get the best human talent in the most
suitable manner to contribute to national growth and to offset the negative demographics
that plague all modern economies.
Today due to the harmful effects of undue favouritism
and patronage, extended to CSIC by the former immigration regime, the immigration
industry is beset by infighting and paralysis. Self-regulation of the immigration industry
is no doubt a noble goal, but to hand over monopolistic and dictatorial control of the
entire immigration industry to the former Ministers favourite organizations CSIC and
CAPIC is deplorable and blatantly unfair and unjustified and this is the reason we are
proud to support you in implementing the Accountability Policy immediately.
We look forward Mr. Solberg in resolving the contentious issues that have burdened the
immigration industry in the past, by applying the Accountability Policy. With you now in
the Immigration office and even though you would like to follow the liberal policy on
few issues as you have mentioned on CTV last weekend, However, we believe that one
policy that can not be followed according to the liberal is the creation and the existence of
We look forward to working together with your ministry office, and the Immigration and
Refugee Board and particularly His Honourable David Emerson the Minister of
International Trade and Minister for the Pacific Gateway, and the Vancouver-Whistler
Since we are dealing with foreign investments at the largest scale of its kind
with the Middle East (Dubai) and our project has been presented by the office of the
Honourable premier Mr. Gordon Campbell with the Canada treasury office in Ottawa for
study and approval for the $40 billion dollars project for the 2010 Olympics.
And we are here to support you for a brighter future and to support the immigration industry
as a whole and to provide the financial support to built the 2010 Olympics after we receive
the Federal and Provincial Government approval from his Honorable Mr.David Emerson.
I am looking forward to have arranged appointment with your office within the next 10
days, please let us know if you have any near future trip in Vancouver, otherwise, it will
our pleasure to fly to Ottawa and meet you there.
I am yours
Most Sincerely
The Canadian Society of Immigration Practitioners
Nuha Nancy Salloum
CSIP Chairperson
New office as April 01, 2006
Vancouver World Trade Center
999 Canada Place
Suite 404
Vancouver BC V6C 3E2
Urgent matter and immediate reply is appreciated