Editor’s Note: The Author, Bruce Perreault, B.A., LL.B., K.H.S., CCIC is the author of a new book to be published in January 2007 entitled “The Making of CSIC: How the Battle was Almost Lost”. The book describes the lonely Journey of John Ryan to Ottawa, the intrigue that followed, the birth of CSIC. It describes in detail the groups that formed throughout Canada of Consultants that attempted to derail the process but were ultimately defeated. It gives an interesting look into one group in particular which was best described as “The Loonies” in a Chapter that is devoted to a look into the insane world that used the internet to defame, libel and slander Consultants from Coast to Coast. You have to read it to believe it! The book is a must from cover to cover. It will be available however, only in hardback, and at a high cost of $49.00 at Bookstores throughout Canada.
The CAPIC TIMES Vol. 1, Issue 10
Reproduced with Permission from The CAPIC Times
BREAKING NEWS!The 2nd Annual CAPIC-ACCPI National Education Seminar Friday, November 24, 2006 has ended. It was a smashing success, and proves, we have finally made it as a Profession and, within that Profession, CAPIC has demonstrated that it represents ALL consultants, whether or not they are members. The educational seminar presented was highly instructive and of great help to the practitioner to advise and counsel clients in a manner now demanded from the public, the Regulator and CICThe Panels were very informative and the speakers, without doubt, the best in this country on the topics of Immigration (the author being excluded from the word “best”) which included the Minister of Immigration of Ontario and all the Federal Government experts (of which there were many) and a confident John Ryan, representing the Regulator, who seemed to be able to cast a very distinctive and encouraging future for the members of CSIC.The issue of “Phantom” consultants was addressed directly by Mr. Ryan. His message rang loud and clear to those who struggled through a long, divisive and expensive process to be able to use the designation CCIC after their name.However, it was not only the participation of almost 300 Practitioners who gained from this very positive and education experience. CAPIC grew up and is now the ONLY answer to who takes the role of The Canadian Bar Association in relationship to CSIC. It was a day that the outgoing President of CAPIC, Ron McKay, has reason to be very proud. He has led CAPIC from infancy through two stormy years and his captainship was steady and leaves us with a solid foundation for the future. Every Consultant owes him a deep debt of gratitude and thanks.The contributions made by so many were incredible but two people have to stand out as being exceptional for their abilities, hard work and determination. Phil Mooney, who was the excellent moderator of the day proved that he could have his own television series for his commanding presence. However, it was the hard work that he performed long before the NES opened that he is also in our gratitude for.The other was Alli Amani, President of CAPIC of Ontario and Host. Those of us who know Alli, understand that he spent his incredible strength in insuring that the 2nd Annual NES event was the best that could be offered In that, he succeeded.Many others contributed including Mario Bellissimo, long a friend of CAPIC and a distinguished lawyer, who introduced the Minster, The Honourable Mike Collee; Max Choudury, another friend of CAPIC and himself a distinguished lawyer, Mansour Motamedi, National Director of Education, presented a well received presentation on Support Tools; Camilla Jones on H and C; Gerd Damitz on Economic Class; Cobus Kriek and Katrina Onuschuck on HRSD; Monica O’Brien, Julie Brodyanski and Tarek Allam on Post Impressions; Keith Frank on Citizenship,; Sol Grombinsky and Eric Katz on The Canada Border Services Agency; and Farzad Farahmand on Nova Scotia PNP.The distinguished speakers included Malcolm Brown, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Ms. Ann Arnott, Director General of the International Region, Ms. Heidi Smith, Director of Economic Policy and Programs for Immigration, Pat Retsinas, Senior Policy and Program Advisor; James Sutherland, Director HRSDC; Bruce Scoffield, Director, International Region; Randy Orr, Director of Operations at Buffalo, New York; Karen Clarke, Policy Manager; George Bowles, Admissibility Branch and, finally, Elizabeth Mills, MPA of Nova Scotia and head of The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration.What a Cast!!! Thanks to the many others who are not mentioned and to the Staff of CAPIC including Executive Director, Berto Volpentesta, and our secretary, Monica Poon. Finally, thanks to every member of CAPIC who made the NES possible by their membership in the organization. We are all winners on such a day.Bruce Perreault, B.A., LL.B.,K.H.S., CCICRetiring National Director of MembershipCAPIC
Monday, November 27, 2006
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