Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”
CSIP replies to CAPIC national president Ron McKay’s letter of March 29, 2006
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This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”

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This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”
CAPIC National News Bulletin - March 29, 2006
Today the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants - L'Association
Canadienne des Conseillers Professionnels en Immigration (CAPIC-ACCPI) has the
great pleasure of reminding those in our industry and the public at large of the excellent
work and effort that has been and is being undertaken by professional immigration
It is a fact that CAPIC-ACCPI was formed via the coming together of two major forces in
the immigration consulting industry. The Association of Immigration Counsel of Canada
(AICC) and the Organization of Professional Immigration Consultants (OPIC) worked
very hard for more than a decade at great expense to gain a foothold on professional
recognition for immigration consultants.
AICC and OPIC founded the College of Immigration Practitioners of Canada (CIPC)
which was brought into being at the urging of Citizenship and Immigration Canada in
2000 as a possible body responsible for administering a self-regulatory system for
consultants. In 2003 CIC endorsed another body to be the regulator which left the all
important task of membership association to AICC and OPIC. In 2005 the two finally
combined their collective resources and merged into CAPIC-ACCPI via the structure of
the College.
Leaders are leaders because they stand out above or in front of the rest. As such they
garner attention; some warranted and deserving, some inexplicable and undeserved.
Over the last several months several of our members, both present and past, have been
viciously and maliciously attacked in a very public way. The information contained in
these attacks is completely baseless and unfounded. CAPIC-ACCPI views these types of
This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”
campaigns and defamatory messages as entirely inappropriate, highly unprofessional,
with suspect intent and as nothing but a scourge causing great damage to the long road of
professionalism that CAPIC-ACCPI and its predecessors have paved.
Completely baseless accusations made to appear as statements of fact such as those
hurled at our former Treasurer, Holly Gracey, are entirely untrue and unfounded. They
are nothing but slanderous and defamatory with malicious intent to cause injury and
damage to the reputation of the individual and to CAPIC-ACCPI and our members.
The actions by the person and those entangled with the person or group that has made
numerous false and damaging statements are reprehensible.
The Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants - L'Association
Canadienne des Conseillers Professionnels en Immigration (CAPIC-ACCPI) is founded
on the four pillars of Education, Information, Lobbying and Recognition. On these
pillars our members work tirelessly to champion the cause of professionalism in our
industry thereby earning respect and trust.
Ron McKay
----- Original Message -----
From: syed hashmi
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 2:17 PM
Subject: Board Decision against Ms. Holly Gracey
Dear fellow Member,
This morning we sent you an email regarding Mr. Ron McKay letter dated March 29/2006, In which he said
that allegations against Ms. Holly Gracey are unfounded. While ago we got this "Board Judgement" In which
Honourable R.J. Marin on sep 1/1995 up held the Board decision against Ms.Holly Gracey, in which Board
finds that Claimant (Ms. Holly Gracey) did indeed make 14 false & misleading statements. In consequence,
board dismissed her appeal on all counts.
This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”
Kindly read the Board decision against Ms. Holly Gracey:
Mr. Ron McKay we believe you have access of this link as well. This decision is contradicting your letter,
which you published on March 29/2006. Would you like to correct your statement dated March 29/2006? Is it
not tantamount to covering up corruption? Is it not an outrageous & misleading letter? You are
tarnishing your reputation.
We want to hear you.
International Immigration Industry
----- Original Message -----
From: Roy Kellogg
Cc: ; ; 'Phil Mooney'
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 7:44 AM
Subject: CAPIC vs. the ENEMY
Dear Ron McKay or should I say G. W. Bush
    Now that is democracy. The greatest Canadian Tommy
Douglas said all political parties must have two wings to fly. Accept the fact that others do not agree with your concept of
the truth. Correct your own members errors and shame on you for trying to hide your member’s faults.
Again I find myself forced to stand up for the real Professional Immigration Consultants and write a reply to another
CAPIC policy paper. Why can not CAPIC board members get their facts straight? Is it too hard to understand the rules of
Professional conduct and what should or should not be proper behavior?
Mr. McKay AICC after I ceased to be a board member of that organization passed a rule that forbid any new immigrant
from joining until they had been a permanent resident of Canada for two years. OPIC the other organization you refer to
had similar restrictions placed on its members. This is a clear violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
AICC issued licenses to its members without ever testing their knowledge and the current Chair of CSIC John Ryan who
was never tested says this quote on his web site     
     - ! "#John Ryan was not admitted
as a licensed member of AICC. John Ryan came to me with the concept that AICC (we) should give ourselves licenses to
better promote ourselves against other consultants. I stressed that any AICC member should be tested and even offered to
create the test but he and other then AICC board members voted against testing to receive a license and your current
National Vice President Keith Frank and John Ryan paid for a license and received a license with no testing of their
knowledge. Yet CSIC is testing everyone a second time!!!
In your fifth paragraph of your March 29th Policy Paper quote “the information in these attacks are completely
baseless and unfounded” unquote. Maybe I am taking too much credit here but for some reason I think you are referring
to me in this Policy Paper. I also believe you are referring to the board of directors of CSIP. G. W. or Ron I am not
associated with CISP or any other organization other then CSIC.
This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”
When someone is put in charge of my money, I would like to know about their background. If the Internet Link below and
text contained does not refer to Ms. Holly Gracey can you prove it? If the current Treasurer is the same person as
mentioned in this link who was the CAPIC Treasurer why are you trying to hide this from your members? Show all the
facts, G.W. or is there no such thing as Global Warming?
Is it a fact that CAPIC National Vice President received a letter from the Law Society of Upper Canada dated
April 12th 2005 that warned him of possible prosecution if they continue to hold themselves out as lawyers to
the public?
Is it a fact that many of your CAPIC members and some CSIC members advertise on their web sites to
be “Immigration Specialist” in violation to CSIC code of conduct section 11.2? I asked the CSIC manager of
Complaints and Discipline W. Woodman if I could use the term “Immigration Specialist” and was told in no
uncertain terms NO! Yet CAPIC members use that term.
Mr. Bush or should I really say Mr. McKay those who pretend to be professional and have the word
professional in their association name who do nothing to ensure that the consumer is protected by not even
having their own code of conduct are the real reprehensible ones! What have you done to ensure that your own
board members set an example for your own members?
You sir need to read the charter of rights and freedoms because I have a right to associate with what ever group
I wish to and I have a right to my opinion. This week I wrote an email to one of your board members totally
agreeing with him. That does not mean that I am a traitor it means that on that issue or thought we had the same
Others who have posted information regarding consultants misleading the public including John Ryan
requesting legal fees is a service to the consumer. Mr. Ryan saw it that way and immediately removed the term.
Mr. Ryan this time acted appropriately.
Your organization on the other hand likes to think you speak for all of the consultants and sir you don’t. It took
me months to get your National Vice President to release a file in a fee dispute and you and your board were of
very little assistance. Always hollow words to protect your money base or your members dues. You Mr. McKay
ensured me in March of 2005 your organization HAD a code of conduct. I am loosing my site but still don’t see
one. Should I post that email you sent me?
I would hate that Mr. McKay would accuse me of saying something unfounded or baseless. Stop trying to
stifle debate and sweep your members faults under the carpet by not disciplining your own.
Tell me you know what the words baseless and unfounded mean?
I am probably wrong but all I see is that most consultant organizations are a means to get money from
consultants to further their own agendas.
Just my own opinion.
This is very alarming behavior from CAPIC’s President “ Ron McKay ”
Roy Kellogg
base·less  Pronunciation Key (b s l s)
Having no basis or foundation in fact; unfounded.
Synonyms: baseless, groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted
These adjectives mean being without a basis or foundation in fact: a baseless accusation; groundless rumors;
idle gossip; unfounded suspicions; unwarranted jealousy.
un·found·ed  Pronunciation Key ( n-foun d d)
1. Not based on fact or sound evidence; groundless. See Synonyms at baseless.
2. Not yet established.
Roy Kellogg
CANVISA Immigration
CSIC# M041632
Tel: 1-888-292-7295
Tel: 416-292-7295
Fax: 416-292-5528
55 Town Centre Court
Suite 502
Scarborough, ON
M1P 4X4